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Kaan, E., Medina, R. M., Diaz, G. M., Sane, K., Chandler, S., Neitz, M., Kuntz, C., Valdés Kroff, J., & Kheder S. (2024). Testing the effects of distinct code-switching types on cognitive control. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46.

Khoe, Y. H., Kootstra, G. J., Kaan, E., Schoonen, R., & Frank, S. (2024). Shared syntax in bilinguals; Does code-switching affect the strength of cross-language structural priming? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46.


Kaan, E., Dai, H. and Xu, X. (2023) Adaptation in L2 sentence processing: An EEG study. Second Language Research.

Kaan, E. (2023), Adaptation to andcoordination: An ERP study. Languages, 8(3), 207;

deMeurisse, G. and Kaan, E. (2023) Bilingual attentional control: Evidence from the partial repetition cost paradigm. Bilingualism Language and Cognition, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1366728923000731

Valdés Kroff, J., Souad Kheder, Aleksandra Tomic & Edith Kaan (2023). The psycholinguistics of multilingual code-switching. In Jennifer Cabrelli, Adel Chaouch-Orozco, Jorge González Alonso, Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Eloi Puig-Mayenco and Jason Rothman (Eds.)  The Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition and Processing (pp 437-465)

Kaan, E. (2023) The neurocognition of prediction in L2 processing and learning In: Kara Morgan-Short and Janet van Hell (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics (pp. 329-340)

Kaan, E. and Keng-Yu Lin (2023) Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Language Learning. In: M.G. Frasch and E. Porges (eds.) Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Springer Neuroscience Methods Series (pp. 193-203)

Luque, A., Rossi, E., Kubota, M., Nakamura, M., Rosales, C., López-Rojas, C., Rodina, Y., & Rothman, J. (2023). Morphological transparency and markedness matter in heritage speaker gender processing: an EEG study. Frontiers in Psychology14, 1114464

Rossi, E., Pereira Soares, S. M., Prystauka, Y., Nakamura, M., & Rothman, J. (2023). Riding the (brain) waves! Using neural oscillations to inform bilingualism research. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26, 202–215. S1366728922000451


Tomic, A. and E. Kaan (2022). Oscillatory brain responses to processing code-switches in the presence of others, Brain and Language, 231, 105139

Navarro, E., DeLuca, V. & Rossi, E. (2022). It Takes a Village: using network science to identify the effect of individual differences in bilingual experience for theory of mind. Brain Sciences,12, 48-506.

Valdés Kroff, J., Souad Kheder, Aleksandra Tomic & Edith Kaan (accepted 2022). The psycholinguistics of multilingual code-switching. In Jennifer Cabrelli, Adel Chaouch-Orozco, Jorge González Alonso, Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Eloi Puig-Mayenco and Jason Rothman (Eds.)  The Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition and Processing.

Frank, S., X. Hinaut, E. Kaan, Y.-H. Khoe, L. Chen, I.E. Winther, Y. Matusevych (2022) Bilingual Sentence Processing: When Models Meet Experiments. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (pp 18-19)


López-Rojas, C., Rossi, E., Marful A., & Bajo M.T. (2021). Prospective Memory in bilinguals and monolinguals: ERP and behavioral correlates of prospective processing in bilinguals. In press in Brain and Language.

Pereira Soares, S., Rossi, E., Kubota, M., & Rothman, J. (2021). Bilingualism as a Life Experience Induces Dynamic Changes in Resting State EEG Oscillations. In press in Brain and Language

Iniesta, A., Rossi, E., Paolieri, D., & Bajo M.T. (2021). Orthographic and phonological similarity in bilingual writing: evidences from late bilinguals and heritage speakers. Front. Psychol. 12:679956. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.679956

Román Fernández, P. E., Kaan, E. and Dussias, P.E. (2021) Access to verb bias and plausibility information during syntactic processing in adult Spanish–English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–13.

Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (eds.) (2021). Prediction in second-language processing and learning, John Benjamins link

Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (in press). Prediction in second language processing and learning: Advances and directions. In: Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (editors) Prediction in second-language processing and learning, John Benjamins. link to preprint

Kaan, E., De Aguiar,I, Clarke, C, Lamb, D., Williamson, J. and Porges, E.(2021) A transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation study on verbal order memory. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59,100990

Kheder, S, and Kaan, E. (2021) Language control in bilinguals: The effect of proficiency and code-switching frequency. Cognition, 209, temporary link to publication

Dai, H., Kaan, E. and Xu, Xiaodong ( 2021) Understanding counterfactuals in transparent and non-transparent context: An ERP investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition


Luk, G., Pliatsikas, C., & Rossi, E. (2020). Brain changes associated with language development and learning: A primer on methodology and applications. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics.

Rossi, E. & Prystauka, Y. (2020). Oscillatory brain dynamics of pronouns processing in native Spanish speakers and in late second language learners of Spanish. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–14.

Rossi, E., Dussias, P.E., Diaz, M., van Hell, G.J., & Newman, S. (2020). Neural signatures of inhibitory control in intra-sentential code-switching: Evidence from fMRI. Journal of Neurolinguistics 57, 100938.

Boxer, D., & Rossi, E. (2020) Studying speech acts:  An expanded scope and refined methodologies (2020). To appear in “New Directions in Researching, Teaching, and Assessing L2 Pragmatics”. Trends in Linguistics, Mouton de Gruyer (in press).

Kaan, E., Kheder, S., Kreidler, A., Tomic, A. and Valdes Kroff, J. (2020) Processing code-switches in the presence of others: an ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1288.

Lee, A., Perdomo, M. and Kaan, E. (2020) Native and second-language processing of contrastive pitch accent: An ERP study. Second Language Research, 36 (4), 503-527. doi:10.1177/0267658319838300   Link to accepted version:

Chun, E., and Kaan, E. (2020) Effects of speaker-accent on syntactic priming in second-language learners. Second Language Research.

Luk, G., Pliatsikas, C., & Rossi, E. (2020). Brain changes associated with language development and learning:A primer on methodology and applications. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics.

Rossi, E. & Prystauka, Y. (2020). Oscillatory brain dynamics of pronouns processing in native Spanish speakers and in late second language learners of Spanish. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–14.


Chun, E. and Kaan, E. (2019). L2 Prediction during complex sentence processing. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science.

Perdomo, M., and Kaan, E. (2019) Prosodic cues in second-language speech processing: A visual world eye-tracking study. Second Language Research 367, (2), 349-375.

Rossi, E., Krass, K., & Kootstra, G J. (2019). Psycholinguistic methods in multilingual research. In J. Schweiter, (Ed.), The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Multilingualism. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Rossi, E., Prystauka, Y. & Diaz, M. (2019). Investigating L1 attrition and language change: neuroimaging perspectives. In Köpke, B. & Kijzer, M. (Eds). Handbook of Language Attrition: Psycho-and neurolinguistic perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Kheder, S., & Kaan, E. (2019). Lexical selection, cross-language interaction, and switch costs in habitually codeswitching bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(3) 569 – 589. DOI:10.1017/S1366728918000500.


Hwang, H., & Chun, E. (2018). Influence of social perception and social monitoring on structural priming. Cognitive Science, 1-11.

Kaan, E. and Chun, E. (2018). Syntactic Adaptation. In: D. Watson & K. Federmeier (Eds.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 68.

Kaan, E., & Chun, E. (2018). Priming and adaptation in native speakers and second-language learners. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21, 228−242. DOI:10.1017/S1366728916001231; Corrected pdf (April 2017) and supplementary materials

Kaan, E., Futch, C., Fernández Fuertes, R., Mujcinovic, S. and Álvarez de la Fuente, E. (2018) Adaptation to syntactic structures in native and non-native sentence comprehension. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40 (1) 3-27. link to accepted version

Kheder, S., & Kaan, E. (2018). Lexical selection, cross-language interaction, and switch costs in habitually codeswitching bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-21. DOI:10.1017/S1366728918000500.

Rossi, E., & Kroll, J.F. (2018). Psycholinguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Ed. Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rossi, E., Newman, S., Diaz, M., & Kroll, J. F. (2018). Neural signatures of inhibitory control in bilingual spoken production. Cortex.

Stowe, L.A., Kaan, E., Sabourin, L. & Taylor, R. (2018). The sentence wrap-up dogma, Cognition, 176, 232-247.  pdf


Kootstra, G., & Rossi, E. (2017). Moving beyond the priming of single-language sentences: A proposal for a comprehensive model to account for linguistic representation in bilinguals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40. doi:10.1017/S0140525X17000450

Rossi, E. & Diaz, M. (2017). How aging and bilingualism influence language processing: theoretical and neural models.  In Sullivan, M. & Bialystok, E. (Eds). Growing Old with Two Languages: Effects of Bilingualism on Cognitive Aging. John Benjamin Publishing, Amsterdam.

Rossi, E., Cheng, H., Kroll, J., Diaz, M., & Newman, S. (2017). Changes in white-matter connectivity in late second language learners: evidence from Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2040.

Rossi, E., Diaz, M., Kroll, J.F. & Dussias, P.E. (2017). Using clitic pronouns to test the sensitivity of late bilinguals to L2 morphosyntax. Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, 8:342. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00342

Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Conklin, K., Caffarra, S. Kaan, E. & Van Heuven, W. J. B. (2017). Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain. Brain and Language, 175, 111-122.


Boland, E., Kaan, E., Valdés Kroff, J., & Wulff, S. (2016). Psycholinguistics and variation in language processing. Linguistics Vanguard (Vol. 2). DOI:10.1515/lingvan-2016-0064.

Chun, E., Barrow, J., & Kaan, E.(2016). Native English speakers’ structural alignment with foreign-accented speech. Linguistics VanguardDOI:10.1515/lingvan-2016-0027.

Kaan, E. (2016). Susceptibility to interference: underlying mechanisms, and implications for prediction. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20(4), 696-697. DOI:10.1017/S1366728916000894pdf

Kaan, E., Kirkham, J., and Wijnen, F. (2016) Prediction and integration in native and second-language processing of elliptical structures. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19(1), 1-18,

Kheder, S., and Kaan, E. (2016) Processing Code-Switching in Algerian Bilinguals: Effects of Language Use and Semantic Expectancy. Frontiers in Psychology,

Rossi, E., & Diaz, M. (2016). How aging and bilingualism influence language processing: theoretical and neural models. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 6(1), 9-42.


Kaan, E. (2015) Knowing without predicting, predicting without learning, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5:4 (2015), 482–486.

Kaan, E., Ballantyne, J. C., & Wijnen, F. (2015). Effects of reading speed on second-language sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(04), 799-830. DOI:10.1017/S0142716413000519

Kroll, J. F., Gullifer, J. W., McClain, R., Rossi, E., Martín, M.C. (2015).  Selection and control in bilingual comprehension and production.  In J. Schweiter, (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

Lu, S., Wayland, R. and Kaan, E. (2015) Effects of Production Training and Perception Training on Tone Perception – A Behavioral and ERP Study. Brain Research, 1624, 28-44.

Wayland, R. , Kaan, E., and Zhu, Y. Perception of Pitch Contours by Native and Non-Native Tone Listeners. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.

Yager, L., Hellmold, N., Joo, H., Putnam, M.T., Rossi, E., Sewell, A., Stafford, C. & Salmons, J. (2015). New structural patterns in moribund grammar: Case marking in Heritage German. Frontiers in Psychology, 6; 1-9.

Yager, L., Hellmold, N., Joo, H., Putnam, M.T., Rossi, E., Sewell, A., Stafford, C. & Salmons, J. (2015). New structural patterns in moribund grammar: Case marking in Heritage German. Frontiers in Psychology, 6; 1-9.

Kroll, J. F., Gullifer, J. W., McClain, R., Rossi, E., Martín, M.C. (2015).  Selection and control in bilingual comprehension and production.  In J. Schweiter, (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism.  New York: Cambridge University Press.

2014 and prior

Kaan, E. & Carlisle, E. (2014). ERP indices of stimulus prediction in letter sequences. Brain Science, 4, 509-531, DOI:10.3390/brainsci4040509.

Rossi, E., Kroll, J.F., & Dussias, P.E. (2014). Clitic pronouns reveal the time course of processing gender and number in a second language. Neuropsychologia, 62, 11-25.

Kaan, E. , (2014). Predictive sentence processing in L2 and L1: What is different? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 4(2), 257-282.

Kroll, J.F., & Rossi, E. (2013).  Psycholinguistic perspectives on second language acquisition and bilingualism. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Linguistics. Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press. 

Rossi, E. (2013). Modulating the sensitivity to syntactic factors in production: Evidence from syntactic priming in agrammatism. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(3), 639-669.

Kroll, J.F., Gullifer, J., & Rossi, E. (2013). The multilingual lexicon: The cognitive and neural basis of lexical comprehension and production in two languages. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 33, 102-127.

Kaan, E., Wayland, R., and Keil, A. (2013). Changes in oscillatory brain networks after lexical tone training, Brain Sciences, 3,757-780.

Kaan, E., Overfelt, C., Tromp, D., and Wijnen, F. (2013). Integrating gapped verbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 42, 307-338, DOI:10.1007/s10936-012-9220-8.

Kroll, J.F., & Rossi, E. (2012). Bilingualism and multilingualism: Quantitative methods. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.

Rossi, E. (2012). Data Analysis and interpretation: Statistical Methods. In N. Müller & M.J. Ball (Eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. Wiley-Blackwell.

Rossi, E. (2011). The trains of language: Syntax and morphology. In G. Denes (Ed.), Talking heads. The Neuroscience of Language. Psychology Press.

Rossi, E., Schippers, M. & Keysers, C. (2011).  Broca’s area: Linking perception and production in language and actions.  In J. Han & E. Poeppel (Eds.), Culture and neural frames of cognition and communication: On Thinking. Heidelberg: Springer.

Kirkham, J., Lu, S., Wayland, R., Kaan, E. (2011). Comparison of vocalists and instrumentalists on lexical tone perception and production tasks. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Kaan, E., Dallas, A., Wijnen, N.K. (2010). Syntactic predictions in second-language sentence processing. In: Jan-Wouter Zwart and Mark de Vries (eds). Structure preserved. Festschrift in the honor of Jan Koster. John Benjamins. (pp. 208-213).

Wayland, R., Herrera, E., Kaan, E. (2010). Effects of musical experience on lexical pitch contour perception. Journal of Phonetics, 38, 654-662.

Rossi, E. (2009). The multilingual brain: learning and losing languages. Jezik in Slovstvo, 1, 1-8.

Rossi, E., & Denes, G. (2009). Natura e rappresentazione della sintassi. In Denes, G. (Ed.), Parlare con la testa. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Visch-Brink, E.G., Bajema, I.M., & Rossi, E. (2009). BOX: A lexico-semantic therapy for aphasic speakers. O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali Ed, Firenze, Italy.

Kaan, E.(2009). Syntax and its putative relation to the brain. In: D. Bickerton and E. Szathmáry (eds.). Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pp. 117-133)

Tallerman, M., D. Bickerton, D. Bouchard, T. Givón, E. Kaan, F. Newmeyer, L. Rizzi,and M. Steedman. (2009). What kinds of syntactic phenomena must biologists, neurobiologists, and computer scientists try to explain and replicate? In: D. Bickerton and E. Szathmáry (eds.). Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pp 135-157)

Wayland, R., Kaan, E., Bao, M. and Barkley, C.M. (2008). Effects of native language and training on speaker normalization on lexical tone perception: A behavioral and ERP study.  In:  Emily Tummons and Stephanie Lux (eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 30, 359 .

Kaan, E.,Barkley, C.M., Bao, M., Wayland, R. (2008). Thai lexical tone perception in native speakers of Thai, English and Mandarin Chinese: an event-related potentials training study. BMC Neuroscience,9:53.

Dallas, A.C. and Kaan, E. (2008) Second language processing of filler-gap dependencies by late leaners. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2 (3), 372-388.

Rossi, E. (2007). Bilingual aphasia: A field under construction.  Stem-Spraak en Taalpathologie, 15, 137-142.

Rossi, E. (2007). Clitic production in Italian agrammatism. (Ph.D. dissertation). Series number 64. Grodil, Groningen.

Rossi, E. & Bastiaanse, R. (2008). Spontaneous speech in Italian agrammatic aphasia: a focus on variability and verb production. Aphasiology, 22, 347-362.

Kaan, E. (2007) Event-related potentials and language processing. A brief introduction. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1(6), 572-591.

Kaan, E., Dallas, A.C., Barkley, C. M. (2007). Dealing with new discourse referents: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1146, 199-209

Kaan, E., Wayland, R., Bao, M., Barkley, C.M. (2007). Effects of native language and training on lexical tone perception: an ERP study. Brain Research, 1148, 113-122.

Wijnen, F. and Kaan, E. (2006). Dynamics of semantic processing: The interpretation of bare quantifiers. Language and Cognitive Processes, 21(6), 684-720.

Kaan, E.(2005). Direction effects in number word comparison: An Event Related Potential study. Neuroreport, 16(16), 1853-1856.

Kaan, E., Wijnen, F. and Swaab, T.Y. (2004). Gapping: Electrophysiological evidence for immediate processing of “missing” verbs in sentence comprehension. Brain and Language, 89, 584-592.

Kaan, E. and Vasic, N. (2004). Cross-serial dependencies in Dutch: The influence of NP-type on processing load. Memory & Cognition, 32 (2), 175-184.

Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y (2003). Electrophysiological evidence for serial processing: A comparison between nonpreferred and ungrammatical continuations. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (3), 621-635.

Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y. (2003). Revision, repair and complexity in sentence processing: An electrophysiological differentiation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15 (1), 98-110.

Kaan, E., and Vinokurova, N. (2003). Resolving number ambiguities in Sakha: Evidence for the Determiner Phrase as a processing domain. In: M. Coene and D’hulst (eds.). From NP to DP. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 179-193.

Vinokurova, N., and Kaan, E. (2003). DP as a processing domain: Evidence from Sakha. InÖzsoy, A.S., Taylan, E. & Koç, A. (eds.), Studies in Turkish Linguistics; Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference in Turkish Linguistics. Istanbul:Bogazici University Press.

Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y. (2002). The neural circuitry of syntactic comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6 (8), 350-356.

Kaan, E.(2002). Investigating the effects of distance and number interference in agreement processing: An ERP study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 31 (2),165-193.

Kaan, E. (2001). Effects of NP-type on the resolution of word order ambiguities. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 30 (5), 527-545.

Kaan, E., Harris, A., Gibson, E. and Holcomb, P. (2000). The P600 as an index of syntactic integration difficulty. Language and Cognitive Processes, 15 (2), 159-201.

Kaan, E.(1998). Sensitivity to NP-type: processing subject-object ambiguities in Dutch. Journal of Semantics, 15, 335-354.

Kaan, E. (1997) Processing subject-object ambiguities in Dutch, PhD. dissertation, University of Groningen.

Kaan, E. (1992). Minimalist Approach to Extraposition, MA thesis, University of Groningen.